Charlie Rose Accused of Sexual Harassment

Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their breasts, buttocks or genital areas.

The women were employees or aspired to work for Rose at the “Charlie Rose” show from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011. They ranged in age from 21 to 37 at the time of the alleged encounters. Rose, 75, whose show airs on PBS, also co-hosts “CBS This Morning” and is a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.”

There are striking commonalities in the accounts of the women, each of whom described their interactions with Rose in multiple interviews with The Post. For all of the women, reporters interviewed friends, colleagues or family members who said the women had confided in them about aspects of the incidents. Three of the eight spoke on the record.

Five of the women spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of Rose’s stature in the industry, his power over their careers or what they described as his volatile temper.

“In my 45 years in journalism, I have prided myself on being an advocate for the careers of the women with whom I have worked,” Rose said in a statement provided to The Post. “Nevertheless, in the past few days, claims have been made about my behavior toward some former female colleagues.

“It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am greatly embarrassed. I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.

“I have learned a great deal as a result of these events, and I hope others will too. All of us, including me, are coming to a newer and deeper recognition of the pain caused by conduct in the past, and have come to a profound new respect for women and their lives.”

Most of the women said Rose alternated between fury and flattery in his interactions with them. Five described Rose putting his hand on their legs, sometimes their upper thigh, in what they perceived as a test to gauge their reactions. Two said that while they were working for Rose at his residences or were traveling with him on business, he emerged from the shower and walked naked in front of them. One said he groped her buttocks at a staff party.

Shocked. I can't believe it. I watch Charlie Rose every night. Goddamnit men are the absolute worst


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Tell me that no one at CBS didn't know that Charlie Rose was a pervert. Admittedly playing grab ass. Dude, you don't do that when you are a name in a public environment. This is another example of being higher than the standards of behavior. Yeas, this is a porn board. I'm not going to being be holier than thou.
Tell me that no one at CBS didn't know that Charlie Rose was a pervert. Admittedly playing grab ass. Dude, you don't do that when you are a name in a public environment. This is another example of being higher than the standards of behavior. Yeas, this is a porn board. I'm not going to being be holier than thou.

Public figure or not you don’t play “ grab ass” without it being consentual. Women have this unique way of letting a man know if they are attracted or interested in him. I have never misread their signals and if there is any doubt you don’t make a move on them.

This approach has served me well my whole life.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Of the avalanche of allegations floating around these days, none have bothered me more than this one. Although I think that some are just gold-diggers and victim du jour whiners, looking for fame and/or a payday years (or decades) after the fact, it seems that Charlie has admitted to some shenanigans. Much like Bill Cosby, I guess Charlie was just playing a part, making us think that his public persona was really who he was. I've been watching him since his late night CBS Nightwatch days. I enjoyed his interview style and the fact that he interviewed people other than pop celebrities. His depth of knowledge about broad subjects, and his ability to ask deep questions, always impressed me.

Well, his career is shot now. Real shame too. His body of work had been SO impressive up to this point.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
My sister is a massage therapist and worked in Aspen. About twenty years ago Charlie Rose grabbed her ass and made lewd suggestions to her. True story.
Public figure or not you don’t play “ grab ass” without it being consentual. Women have this unique way of letting a man know if they are attracted or interested in him. I have never misread their signals and if there is any doubt you don’t make a move on them.

This approach has served me well my whole life.

Totally agree, and that approach has served me well my whole life too.

(well, almost totally...there can be instances where those signals become murky...but when that happens it still just makes good sense to err on the side of caution)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I think the main thing to remember (for men) is to never... never, ever, NEVER play where you work. From what I've read of more than a few of these allegations, it's not so much about consensual as it is about the man's position of power vs. the woman's. And even when the man's power position, relative to the woman's, is somewhat questionable, all it takes is an allegation for the man to wind up with a damaged or destroyed career. Even if it's shown that the woman is telling a bold lie, it's VERY unlikely that she will suffer or even be called out. Within the "rape culture" in which we now live, that's just the way it is. Yes, some women have been victims of abuse and/or harassment. Some others have been made to (unintentionally) feel uncomfortable, because one or the other misread the situation. Personally, I'd call that no harm, no foul. But hey, whatever. People are SO easily o-ffended these days, the foul ball goes in the favor of the accuser these days. And, AND (here I will commit a cardinal sin against the Laws of Political Correctness), there are women who lie for money or advantage. :eek: People lie, folks. And newsflash: women are people too. On two occasions over the years, I've seen women, who were facing layoffs at two previous companies I was with, dream up sexual harassment allegations, and they knew that there was no way in hell that they could be laid off at that point. And it worked; neither of them were. But both men were forced to leave (one forced resignation, the other was fired because he had enemies at the company anyway).

I don't know who did what to whom. And I don't profess to know. Unlike the feminist leaning PC media, I'm not passing judgment on either party until more details come out on individual cases. But as I looked over Charles Payne's situation, where an airhead, career ladder-climber played the rape victim card against him when her time in the sun was fading, I thought, man, the PC press will support even the most ridiculous of claims.

Here's what Scottie "Rape Victim" Nell Hughes wrote to Payne. And he fell for it.

"Do you know what I keep dreaming about.. You and I in the pool… My legs wrapped around your waste [sic] and you have me pressed up against the wall of the pool."

"Skin glistening and smelling of coconut… You thrusting yourself deeper inside with each push… And your fingers grasping each of my cheeks. Holding me to you."

Of course, the PC media has ignored that email and have done their best (much like the serial rape accuser in the middle of the fake news/fictional Rolling Stones/UVA frat rape story) to help poor Scottie continue her victim narrative. He was horrible in having an affair with her, right under his wife's nose. But if I'm not mistaken, she was/is married too! What about that? What am I missing??? They bumped uglies for three years. Yeah, Scottie Nell Hughes (Miss "mazel tov cocktail bomb" - an airhead for the ages) and Charles carried on a nearly three year (consensual) affair. And by the accounts of another woman, Kristina Lee Hall, Miss Scottie was pretty much the town slut when she attended TEA Party functions back in 2012. Can a slut get raped? Sure! But I don't believe for a hot second that a woman is getting raped for three freakin' years and she's sending emails to her "attacker" talking about how she wants him to thrust into her as hard as he can (unless she's into rape fantasies and/or BDSM - but that's still consensual). I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.

I say that the media needs to do a better job of separating the wheat from the chaff. I feel for people who truly get taken advantage of. But I have no patience, no sympathy and zero tolerance for bandwagon #MeToo whiners and opportunists.