Why is there so many hate to this like seriously “feet fetish” I says so right there. Y’all just be fucking difficult for no reason and it’s funny cuz y’all really stupid. Please LOOK at the tags and don’t give people hard times becuz of the lack of knowledge you cease to have. We are blessed with eyes and a brain, I suggest you use it wisely and don’t be rude about one’s liking. If tables were turned, you wouldn’t like getting judged cuz you like feet. Me personally, I’m not a fan of feet but I support those who cuz that’s what they like. If you hate it and you got nothing good to say, simply don’t say it. It’s not that hard to turn a blind eye at things you don’t like. Btw, judgement and lecturing someone are two different things so I’m not judging the haters but saying people have feelings and can’t always speak your mind cuz it’s my opinion, you need to be mindful of what you say in life, the tongue has power and when not used correctly things become hectic. I hope y’all understand what I’m tryna say and y’all should probably apologize to the author, I believe
Please part 2
This was… Physically challenged… And Special…
Why is there so many hate to this like seriously “feet fetish” I says so right there. Y’all just be fucking difficult for no reason and it’s funny cuz y’all really stupid. Please LOOK at the tags and don’t give people hard times becuz of the lack of knowledge you cease to have. We are blessed with eyes and a brain, I suggest you use it wisely and don’t be rude about one’s liking. If tables were turned, you wouldn’t like getting judged cuz you like feet. Me personally, I’m not a fan of feet but I support those who cuz that’s what they like. If you hate it and you got nothing good to say, simply don’t say it. It’s not that hard to turn a blind eye at things you don’t like. Btw, judgement and lecturing someone are two different things so I’m not judging the haters but saying people have feelings and can’t always speak your mind cuz it’s my opinion, you need to be mindful of what you say in life, the tongue has power and when not used correctly things become hectic. I hope y’all understand what I’m tryna say and y’all should probably apologize to the author, I believe
*you hurt there feelings.
this onw just tickles my funny bone
I liked it keep up the good work. 🙂
This isn’t even a bruh moment. What the actual f is wrong with you
Tttttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee fffffffuuuuuccccckkkk
Why are so many people surprised?
It literally says “Foot Fetisch stories”
What the literal fuck
I literally want to die because of this comic.
Yeah whi his feet, when u can do it on his whole
What the actual fuck did I just read