To all the people freaking out: Shut the fuck up. It’s only a damn comic about anthropomorphic animals. You guys are acting like they exist in real life.
I thought about having a rant Or insulting you But you are not worth it All you deserve is a eww and not going to the art it sled but to you you disgust me
You see Perry the platypus, after I have witnessed a lot of underage, rape, and worst of all…..VORE kind of porn, I have decided to make THE DEHORNY-INATOR! Now, porn will be less of an issue amongst kids and teens, only couples will be horny, ITS FOR THE WORLD PERRY THE PLATYPUS!
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Read Please Fuck Me - Cream x Tails Free Sex Comic
Please Fuck Me - Cream x Tails is written by Artist : DEXstar.
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Also see Porn Comics like Please Fuck Me - Cream x Tails in tags Ahegao , Anal , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Inflation | Stomach Bulge , Most Popular , Parody: Sonic The Hedgehog.
Idc what yall say, this is hot af and I’ve came to it multiple times as someone with a vagina
To all the people freaking out: Shut the fuck up. It’s only a damn comic about anthropomorphic animals. You guys are acting like they exist in real life.
Honestly, both characters may be canonically children, however, there’s nothing saying these two aren’t aged up to be t the age of consent.
Nevermind I just saw the first panel. 🙁
Honestly I dislike and like it because the actual lore is pretty good and not bad even tho there child’s I like plot
This is definitely my personal favorite, I Jack off to this a lot with no shame
I agree with all the other comments, but hear me out…
I thought about having a rant
Or insulting you
But you are not worth it
All you deserve is a eww and not going to the art it sled but to you you disgust me
You forgot to add ivo
Wait holdup 14??? Wtf??
tecnically you don’t have milk in your breasts until the child is born (don’t call me a nerd i’m just a woman)
Guys these ships are getting out of hand
Part 3 When?
You see Perry the platypus, after I have witnessed a lot of underage, rape, and worst of all…..VORE kind of porn, I have decided to make THE DEHORNY-INATOR! Now, porn will be less of an issue amongst kids and teens, only couples will be horny, ITS FOR THE WORLD PERRY THE PLATYPUS!
hey ferb i know what we are doing today.
I read this is the Dr.Doofinshmirtz voice :facepalm: