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It is really disappointing. With the character design, grafics and a bit more worked out story that could have become a pretty good porncomic, but the artist had to make a cut where it was about to get good.
I thought it’s was really good please make a part 2
Yea make a part two please
They have more stuff on Deviantart if anyone is interested in the art
That was a good trick definitely would try this if this was the real world
Why do such good artists always have 1 post
it’s a sad reality we live in
It is really disappointing. With the character design, grafics and a bit more worked out story that could have become a pretty good porncomic, but the artist had to make a cut where it was about to get good.
Wait what??
He gave it his all, but unfortunately this type of shit will get ya fuckin clobbered.