But kids like you don’t play by the rules And guys like me, it ain’t easy to be played for fools So let’s go let the room get chiller Let’s go dirty brother killer
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Frisk Vs Toriel is written by Artist : ankolewd.
Frisk Vs Toriel Porn Comic belongs to category
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Also see Porn Comics like Frisk Vs Toriel in tags Big Breasts , Big Dick | Big Penis , Furry Porn Comics and Furries Comics , Milf , Parody: Undertale , Straight Sex , Western.
But kids like you don’t play by the rules
And guys like me, it ain’t easy to be played for fools
So let’s go let the room get chiller
Let’s go dirty brother killer
Go ahead and try to hit me if your able
Isn’t like toriel and sans sleeping together in deltarune… SANS GET THAT BITCH AND FUCK EM UP NOT FUCK HIM BEAT HIS ASS UP
I freaking love undertale comics were frisk is just going around fucking everyone and sans is just trying to figure out what the fuck is happening.
Every day we stray further from god.
But never the less. Smash next question
sans is like: GIVE US YOUR BALLS