Due to mechanics in the game, vee is either adopted or has a stepmom, because in the games, the species of the offspring is determined by the mother. This also means that this is not incest.
True. However, of the mother is a Ditto that is merely transformed into Lopunny, then this logic is nullified, since if one parent is Ditto, the species of offspring is determined by the non-Ditto parent regardless of its gender.
That is pure speculation and is much less likely than my explanation, as nowhere does it imply that she is a ditto, besides maybe some artistic design choices
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(Burgerkis) Mompunny Shower is written by Artist : Burgerkiss.
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One day we’re gonna get a comic of them getting down at a wedding or somthin
If the only thing I could get is 1 wish
I would get a Cinderace♂️
Based on this comic it’s safe to say that everyone wants vee
Wait is mother is Lopunny and father is eevelution how Is he an eevee if the mother pokemon determines the species
No fuckin clue maybe they’re adopted
The real question is, why are you thinking so hard on a porn comic? You’re supposed to just jack off and leave
Vee is adopted and was adopted by Lopunny as a single parent. I don’t think Vee has a father
He probably got adopted, or he has a dad and his parents divorced, and Lopunny is his step mom
I butta bus (vine boom) I’m boutta cuuuuum uhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh uhhh
This was the worst comment I’ve ever read.
Looks like little Timmy found a porn comic
Due to mechanics in the game, vee is either adopted or has a stepmom, because in the games, the species of the offspring is determined by the mother. This also means that this is not incest.
Oh I did not know that guess my comment is wrong
He’s right
True. However, of the mother is a Ditto that is merely transformed into Lopunny, then this logic is nullified, since if one parent is Ditto, the species of offspring is determined by the non-Ditto parent regardless of its gender.
That is pure speculation and is much less likely than my explanation, as nowhere does it imply that she is a ditto, besides maybe some artistic design choices
But it does still make it fuckin weird mate.
Yes- but not illegal!
So if Vee’s mother is a Lopunny that means Vee’s father is an eevee or an eeveeloution
Never mind I was wrong
Nope. In Pokémon, the females species decides the offsprings species.
But what if the female is a ditto
It would be do to then
A ditto not do
A ditto not do