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Know what I’m a just say everything in this comic and all of the details are amazing the art is beautifully crafted and it is superb also yes it is rape and that is fine kiss my fat 6 and a half inch dick saying rApE iS bAd incase you didn’t know you are on a porn site so suck it up wimps and wimpetes leave if you don’t like it
That was beautifully made!!! Pieck looked Soo incredibly sexy and voluptuous kissing and stimulating Gabi!! A lot of appreciation for the artist who came up with quality story as well as the perfect art!! Gabi literally got the punishment she deserves by Pieck on behalf of the fan base!! I was hoping Eren would join in loving Pieck himself though… Although it wouldn’t honor the original scene… -Saad of the Sharingan
Rape is never a mistake. It wasn’t her dress; it was your evil mind. There can never be any reason to rape someone. Never blame the rape victim. Because blaming the rape victim will not change anything Because raping boys is also not done. It was not her mistake being lat Because rape has hardly anything to do with the dress. Rape came before short dress. Raping a girl is never forgivable. It’s getting worse day by day for women. She was just three. What’s your excuse now? Rapists are nothing just animals. Let’s make our society free from rapes. Today, it’s her. Tomorrow it can be your own sister. Look upon her face. When you touch her, remember, someone could have touched your sister. Every woman has her will. Topmost Slogan Against Rape This world is not safe for women anymore. Because the safety is no longer there. Speak up and protest against rape. There is no denying the fact that you might find it extremely difficult to choose the top slogans. That is why go through the Brand Slogan Guide to get all the guidance you need. If you support rape, that means you are a rapist too. Stand up for women’s rights. Kill the rapists. You might not know, but you are a beast. We want justice for the rape victims. The rapists are out there free. Because capital punishments are for the rapists. It’s nothing for a rapist to rape someone, but it ruins a life. Don’t blame her modesty. Blame yourself. Because eve-teasing is also not a good sign. Short skirts are not a sign. My daughter is nine. But yet she is not safe. When was the last time you asked for consent? What the mistake of that eight years old girl? We are against rapes. Are you? Stand against rapists until the next one is from your home. Because any time now, it can be a girl from your house. If you don’t stop now, when will you? Raise your voice against rapes. When will your blood boil? Candlelight march against the rape victims. When was the last time you looked into the mirror and could face yourself? How she dresses up is not a sign. A safe society is when it’s rape free. Rape Slogan To Use Chop the rapists. Because it can be you too, protest. Concent is utmost important. No woman deserves to be raped. When will this heinous crime stop? She was screaming out of pain, not out of pleasure. So, End rape now. Rapists are nothing but monsters in a human face. A real man never rapes or disrespects. So, a girl wearing a short skirt is asking for it? How did you decide that she wanted it? Rape is the most horrible reality. Which “No” you did not understand? So, if your sister wears a short dress, would you do the same? We demand an anti-rape environment. Because rapists will have no place in Hell also. Rapists are cowards. My daughter is just born, and I’m already worried. Because you are a human, not a pervert. We demand justice for those rape victims. Stop eve-teasing to stop rapes. Because Rapists are beasts. Look at girls with respect. Because the minimum that you can do is respRape is theenough to harass women. It’s the rapist who is to blame, not the victim. Beware of the molesters. Break the silence and protest against rape. Because you know women can crush you anyday Death for rape. Fight against rapists. Stop it now before their next is your sister. Because you will not be spared by the laws Girls are not your toy with whom you can play anytime you want. Hang the rapists. Because capital punishments can only stop heinous crimes. Girls are human beings first. Are you deaf? She clearly said, No. Because this cannot b forgiven at any cost Murdering is a crime and raping? Rapists should be hanged publically. Most of the time, ragging is done either to show power as superior over the freshers or just an act of sadistic pleasures. To stop ragging check out the brilliant anti-ragging slogans. Silence will not break violence. Because you are nothing but cowards Rape is the biggest crime. Don’t keep calm. Speak up against rapists. When you start understanding, it will just get too late It’s a war against all rapists. We have had enough of this shit. Stop rapes now. What kind of society we live in where people don’t fear to rape. Significant Slogans Against Rape So, if you want to make the environment safer, stop rape now. Stop rapes and make a safe environment. Stop rapes for your sisters and daughters. You can’t feel the pain b’coz she was no one of your relations. So, next can be a lady you know Imagine happening this to your sister. Just hang them who rapes. Because the only solution is hanging Stop the silence and stop this violence. What if it was your wife Because if you don’t change your thinking, this will happen regularly Respect the gender which brought you in this world. The penalty of death is a must for the rapists. Raping is not a mistake; it’s a crime. Because you know a crime when you commit one We need an anti-rape society. Because rape is the most heinous crime No bail for rapists. Rapists deserve to die. Because maybe public humiliation can change you Rapists are not human beings. Because you are a rapist, you should be hanged Top Slogans Against Rapism Considering rapists as human beings is a mistake. Only death for rapists. No mercy for rapists. Because there is no thing as mercy for rape Shoot and encounter for rapists. Because one voice can be the voice of thousands We want a society where girls don’t need to be scared. Want an environment where parents don’t have to worry. Imagine what a victim goes through. Because hanging till deatyh is the only solution We need a world where we don’t have to ask our daughter not to go out. Teach your sons to behave properly out there. Because you are sinning against God Every 1 hour, a rape happens. Because we need to fight this together We need to stop this cruelty. Let us strike against the rapists. Because if you stay quiet, this will increase Our dress is not a sign of rape. Only death penalty can prevent the society from rapes Because without death penalty, this will hardly stop Stop rapes! Stop Rape Slogan “No”.. she kept saying. Start teaching not to rape. Because you should teach boys more than your girls No parent raises their daughter to be raped. A short dress is not a yes. Because wearing a short dress is my choice I dress up for myself; not to be raped. Rapes kill humanity. Because values are required by your sons too Mankind is in danger. Rapists don’t consider a woman as a human being. Casting couch is also one kind of rape. It was her choice to go out, and it was your choice to rape. No mother teaches her son to rape. Because it is high time to make boys understand that gir
ugh, but rApE iS baD! Yeah no shit, but these are just depictions of rape they’re not real, if you really give a shit abuot rape that much go help the real rape victims get back into society instead of complaining, I know its gonna be shocking, but people enjoy rape content and its not going away any time soon…
So your telling me that rape comics are okay. Shit humanity is fucked up like bro stfu people who like shit like this should go to hell. And you don’t know if the person wrote this speech is or is nor helping rape victims. What if they clicked on a link and was shocked to see this shit.
Technically they are real because this happens every day. I mean image this happening to your girlfriend sister mother or any good female characters in your life that you love and care about
Yeah rape is good I raped my little sister guys and I think people trying to stop rape should die. Rape count 5. First one was my sister second one was a classmate third one was my baby sister the youngest and the last two were my ex girlfriend who broke up with me because I hit and kick and left her for dead in a alley and I lied that I was 11years old so I could force myself on her and I fuck my pets my mom is out of my house and my dad is abusive towards my. siblings but not me he spoil me 16 male
Now we just wait either for you to turn out to be an attention-seeking liar with diabolical grammar, or for your head to be far enough up your arse to prepare you for the day when your father remembers you have penetratable orifices in your nether regions.
my opinion of this shit is that people will be fine with porn but its rape comics people are stating to create and its not porn. And eventually the teens of this generation will see this kin of stuff.and start to copy. It we will have more kids in jail than ever
So you are against rape comics…yet you go on ahead and read a whole entire rape comic? Bro I’ll agree is bad but lets face it you don’t acturally care about theae comics existing and you are just personally trying to make yourself feel as if you are a good person still even though you just wanked to a 15 year old getting abused here.
who said we will follow what this comic does most kids we go to jail becuase of guns and killing also illegal items and im just a kid SO I DONT GIVE A Fuck also im aBOY my Girlfreind AGREES WIT ME
shut the fuck up, I never see you fucks complain when a man rapes a man or women rapes a women, but here you are copy pasting this bullshit on every straight rape…
SHUT YOU ass up use that fuckin useless knowledge in school or something you fucking smart dimwit i cant read all this or my head will be filled with useless paragraphs
guys rape is bad, but don’t go searching for rape comic
Wtf the comments? Yes , confirmed this is a shit and Gabi is cringe
Know what I’m a just say everything in this comic and all of the details are amazing the art is beautifully crafted and it is superb also yes it is rape and that is fine kiss my fat 6 and a half inch dick saying rApE iS bAd incase you didn’t know you are on a porn site so suck it up wimps and wimpetes leave if you don’t like it
I would say the comics bad because Gabi is a child
I dont care is this is rapeing but do anyone here even knows that gabi is not even 16?
did you kow gabi is fiction augh i didnt know that well now i do and you to
God, what is with these good comics having such shit english
for anyone bitching and crying abuot this being a “Rape comic” just so u know an artist who made this is a women…
Ima be hypocritical but, Stop complaining like my god either like it or hate it
Ima be hypocritical you don’t have to say anything to this people they are just wanting attention
That was beautifully made!!! Pieck looked Soo incredibly sexy and voluptuous kissing and stimulating Gabi!! A lot of appreciation for the artist who came up with quality story as well as the perfect art!! Gabi literally got the punishment she deserves by Pieck on behalf of the fan base!! I was hoping Eren would join in loving Pieck himself though… Although it wouldn’t honor the original scene… -Saad of the Sharingan
Rape is never a mistake. It wasn’t her dress; it was your evil mind. There can never be any reason to rape someone. Never blame the rape victim. Because blaming the rape victim will not change anything Because raping boys is also not done. It was not her mistake being lat Because rape has hardly anything to do with the dress. Rape came before short dress. Raping a girl is never forgivable. It’s getting worse day by day for women. She was just three. What’s your excuse now? Rapists are nothing just animals. Let’s make our society free from rapes. Today, it’s her. Tomorrow it can be your own sister. Look upon her face. When you touch her, remember, someone could have touched your sister. Every woman has her will. Topmost Slogan Against Rape This world is not safe for women anymore. Because the safety is no longer there. Speak up and protest against rape. There is no denying the fact that you might find it extremely difficult to choose the top slogans. That is why go through the Brand Slogan Guide to get all the guidance you need. If you support rape, that means you are a rapist too. Stand up for women’s rights. Kill the rapists. You might not know, but you are a beast. We want justice for the rape victims. The rapists are out there free. Because capital punishments are for the rapists. It’s nothing for a rapist to rape someone, but it ruins a life. Don’t blame her modesty. Blame yourself. Because eve-teasing is also not a good sign. Short skirts are not a sign. My daughter is nine. But yet she is not safe. When was the last time you asked for consent? What the mistake of that eight years old girl? We are against rapes. Are you? Stand against rapists until the next one is from your home. Because any time now, it can be a girl from your house. If you don’t stop now, when will you? Raise your voice against rapes. When will your blood boil? Candlelight march against the rape victims. When was the last time you looked into the mirror and could face yourself? How she dresses up is not a sign. A safe society is when it’s rape free. Rape Slogan To Use Chop the rapists. Because it can be you too, protest. Concent is utmost important. No woman deserves to be raped. When will this heinous crime stop? She was screaming out of pain, not out of pleasure. So, End rape now. Rapists are nothing but monsters in a human face. A real man never rapes or disrespects. So, a girl wearing a short skirt is asking for it? How did you decide that she wanted it? Rape is the most horrible reality. Which “No” you did not understand? So, if your sister wears a short dress, would you do the same? We demand an anti-rape environment. Because rapists will have no place in Hell also. Rapists are cowards. My daughter is just born, and I’m already worried. Because you are a human, not a pervert. We demand justice for those rape victims. Stop eve-teasing to stop rapes. Because Rapists are beasts. Look at girls with respect. Because the minimum that you can do is respRape is theenough to harass women. It’s the rapist who is to blame, not the victim. Beware of the molesters. Break the silence and protest against rape. Because you know women can crush you anyday Death for rape. Fight against rapists. Stop it now before their next is your sister. Because you will not be spared by the laws Girls are not your toy with whom you can play anytime you want. Hang the rapists. Because capital punishments can only stop heinous crimes. Girls are human beings first. Are you deaf? She clearly said, No. Because this cannot b forgiven at any cost Murdering is a crime and raping? Rapists should be hanged publically. Most of the time, ragging is done either to show power as superior over the freshers or just an act of sadistic pleasures. To stop ragging check out the brilliant anti-ragging slogans. Silence will not break violence. Because you are nothing but cowards Rape is the biggest crime. Don’t keep calm. Speak up against rapists. When you start understanding, it will just get too late It’s a war against all rapists. We have had enough of this shit. Stop rapes now. What kind of society we live in where people don’t fear to rape. Significant Slogans Against Rape So, if you want to make the environment safer, stop rape now. Stop rapes and make a safe environment. Stop rapes for your sisters and daughters. You can’t feel the pain b’coz she was no one of your relations. So, next can be a lady you know Imagine happening this to your sister. Just hang them who rapes. Because the only solution is hanging Stop the silence and stop this violence. What if it was your wife Because if you don’t change your thinking, this will happen regularly Respect the gender which brought you in this world. The penalty of death is a must for the rapists. Raping is not a mistake; it’s a crime. Because you know a crime when you commit one We need an anti-rape society. Because rape is the most heinous crime No bail for rapists. Rapists deserve to die. Because maybe public humiliation can change you Rapists are not human beings. Because you are a rapist, you should be hanged Top Slogans Against Rapism Considering rapists as human beings is a mistake. Only death for rapists. No mercy for rapists. Because there is no thing as mercy for rape Shoot and encounter for rapists. Because one voice can be the voice of thousands We want a society where girls don’t need to be scared. Want an environment where parents don’t have to worry. Imagine what a victim goes through. Because hanging till deatyh is the only solution We need a world where we don’t have to ask our daughter not to go out. Teach your sons to behave properly out there. Because you are sinning against God Every 1 hour, a rape happens. Because we need to fight this together We need to stop this cruelty. Let us strike against the rapists. Because if you stay quiet, this will increase Our dress is not a sign of rape. Only death penalty can prevent the society from rapes Because without death penalty, this will hardly stop Stop rapes! Stop Rape Slogan “No”.. she kept saying. Start teaching not to rape. Because you should teach boys more than your girls No parent raises their daughter to be raped. A short dress is not a yes. Because wearing a short dress is my choice I dress up for myself; not to be raped. Rapes kill humanity. Because values are required by your sons too Mankind is in danger. Rapists don’t consider a woman as a human being. Casting couch is also one kind of rape. It was her choice to go out, and it was your choice to rape. No mother teaches her son to rape. Because it is high time to make boys understand that gir
Ok one shut the fuck up and two men can also be raped it’s not just girls
”Shut The fuck up”? like stop hating on this person for commeting this like if you are so offended by this stop reading comments . it’s simple
W facts, these Kam people are stupid af
ugh, but rApE iS baD! Yeah no shit, but these are just depictions of rape they’re not real, if you really give a shit abuot rape that much go help the real rape victims get back into society instead of complaining, I know its gonna be shocking, but people enjoy rape content and its not going away any time soon…
And complaining isn’t going to do shit.
Technically you are all aslo complainers
I am
So your telling me that rape comics are okay. Shit humanity is fucked up like bro stfu people who like shit like this should go to hell. And you don’t know if the person wrote this speech is or is nor helping rape victims. What if they clicked on a link and was shocked to see this shit.
Technically they are real because this happens every day. I mean image this happening to your girlfriend sister mother or any good female characters in your life that you love and care about
Yeah rape is good I raped my little sister guys and I think people trying to stop rape should die. Rape count 5. First one was my sister second one was a classmate third one was my baby sister the youngest and the last two were my ex girlfriend who broke up with me because I hit and kick and left her for dead in a alley and I lied that I was 11years old so I could force myself on her and I fuck my pets my mom is out of my house and my dad is abusive towards my. siblings but not me he spoil me 16 male
Now we just wait either for you to turn out to be an attention-seeking liar with diabolical grammar, or for your head to be far enough up your arse to prepare you for the day when your father remembers you have penetratable orifices in your nether regions.
It’s porn deal with it
Its not just porn. Porn is fine. But its rape comics
So you prefer rape videos over comics? got it…
my opinion of this shit is that people will be fine with porn but its rape comics people are stating to create and its not porn. And eventually the teens of this generation will see this kin of stuff.and start to copy. It we will have more kids in jail than ever
So you are against rape comics…yet you go on ahead and read a whole entire rape comic? Bro I’ll agree is bad but lets face it you don’t acturally care about theae comics existing and you are just personally trying to make yourself feel as if you are a good person still even though you just wanked to a 15 year old getting abused here.
I’m not a man
I didn’t red the fucking comic I doomed it
I didn’t red the fucking comic I doomed it
I didn’t read the fucking comic I skimmed it
who said we will follow what this comic does most kids we go to jail becuase of guns and killing also illegal items and im just a kid SO I DONT GIVE A Fuck also im aBOY my Girlfreind AGREES WIT ME
Young teen here. Your spelling and grammar is currently causing my eyes to bleed. Mind you, I saw the comic’s cover page and survived that.
Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay a okay I guess girls getting kidnapped and raped is just porn and we should deal with it
no we talking about fiction here right and boys get kidnapped to you forgot to explain that part 2
Dude you got way to much patience to write all this
? I got it from an old file
shut the fuck up, I never see you fucks complain when a man rapes a man or women rapes a women, but here you are copy pasting this bullshit on every straight rape…
Yet another copy paste bullshit…
Man started a whole war
Bro shut the fuck up it’s a fictional comic
SHUT YOU ass up use that fuckin useless knowledge in school or something you fucking smart dimwit i cant read all this or my head will be filled with useless paragraphs
I’m not reading this shit
be careful brother, don’t jerk it, Gabi is only 15
I see that as a good thing
Hey I have 30 kids in my basement I’m using them as a Hostages so back off
I dont really care being in his basement
She is 15 looks in the anime like 8
Well Right now in the anime she’s like around 12 or something. It’s only at the end of the series is when she’s 15
But in this she looks 8