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This also happened to me but she was not a trans but female and I was just playing by my heart and got her to anal with her since she is not good with raw saex
cara essa comic não tem lá muita história, mas eu acho muito sexy e quente essa comic, eu sou chegado numa trans então minha opinião é muito parcial, estar nessa situação seria maravilhoso
This also happened to me but she was not a trans but female and I was just playing by my heart and got her to anal with her since she is not good with raw saex
God, I wish that was me.
“Hands off”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
*grabs breasts*
Oddly holesome
cara essa comic não tem lá muita história, mas eu acho muito sexy e quente essa comic, eu sou chegado numa trans então minha opinião é muito parcial, estar nessa situação seria maravilhoso
by: orthrus
as a transmale pre-op, i want someone to touch my mangina in a wholesome way
Mangina is a strange thing to call a cock but it’s just another name in the book I guess
He is a trans female to male and he hasn’t had his gender resignment surgery so he’s just talking about his pussy
Isn’t that called a bussy?
He is out of line but he is rigth
I gotta sea where this lead to
I can’t explain it, but they are all TOOL fans. I’m certain of it.
Same anon here to clarify that that is a good thing.
Did you just reply to yourself?
Yes, yes he did
What’s the song?
The Only Thing I Know For Real. google exists
Hey new part 2 please 🥺
appreciate the emoji?